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If you’re new to Canada and need help preparing to find a job, try New Steps for Newcomers! We’ll give you the training you need to search for work through Integrated Employment Services. In New Steps for Newcomers, you’ll find out about different careers, understand how to navigate the Canadian educational, financial, health, social service systems, develop digital and financial literacy, and learn about the Canadian culture and its impact on employment. 
You must be:
  • New to Canada (living 5 years or less in Canada)
  • Out of school and out of work 
  • A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, protected person, refugee claimant with an open work permit, or a convention refugee with a notice of decision
  • Eligible to work in Canada
Start Date
April 7
five weeks


Monday to Friday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM


When you join New Steps for Newcomers, you get:

  • Employability and Soft Skills Training
  • Digital and Finanical Literacy Development
  • Preparation for the Canadian Workplace
  • Access to counselling services
  • Transportation support during the program, if needed
  • Canada - Employment Ontario - Ontario