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peers standing in the Peer Leadership Centre
The struggle for people who are homeless and living with substance use issues is constant. Peer workers know this all too well. Their lived experience gives them insight and emotional awareness to help people who are going through what the peers did. By acting as mentors and advocates, peer workers play a critical role in helping people access the life-saving services they need, while gaining stability in their own lives by improving their skills and getting paid for meaningful work. 



  • Why are peer workers so good at helping others?
    Our peer workers have lived experience with substance use and homelessness. They understand first-hand how to deal with complex health and social challenges faced by people who are going through what the peers did. Peer workers are able to provide emotional and social support, share knowledge and act as mentors and advocates to the people they help. By building a level of trust, they are able to encourage people to engage with community agencies.